Two-Tone Shrug from Fitted Knits, in Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (love this yarn)

Petunia Tote from IK Spring '07, in Tahki Cotton Classic (love this too)

This one is giving me fits so it is taking a break right now. I think working from a chart is easy in theory but not in reality, or at least my reality. I keep getting distracted by the kids and messing up the pattern. I need zombie knitting right now.
Montego Bay Scarf in Handmaiden Sea Silk in Peridot, intended gift for Susan.
No pic available for this right now, and it is also giving me fits. It's my first experience with laceweight. This is GORGEOUS yarn, very soft and luminous, but I am super clumsy with it. It will take me a while to get used to it. But I do think it will be a luxurious gift for someone who is very hard to shop for!
Itty Bitty Hat, the upside down daisy one, in Rowan Handknit Cotton and various remnants.

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