Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bonsai Tunic swatch

Originally uploaded by Selzhanik
This picture is pretty dark, but here's my swatch for the Bonsai Tunic. I got stitch gauge (using the recommended size 8's) but not row gauge, but I don't think that matters much since it says "work until piece measures x inches" and stuff like that. The fabric is really cool and makes up for a temperamental yarn. I didn't have trouble with it splitting like I have heard from some people - perhaps because I'm using bamboo needles with relatively dull points. I think using bamboo needles really helps control this slippery yarn.

So far I am only a couple of rows into the actual project, since I need focused knitting time to do it. I forgot to take my stitch markers with me to Oklahoma so I made some with cut up drinking straws (a tip I saw on Knitty Gritty once). This actually is a big help because I used different color markers to denote the different sections of the lace repeats. This will help me keep track of what I'm doing, and I ALWAYS need help with that.

Enough blogging, time to knit.


jen barnes said...

I read this somewhere online and thought it is so ... us

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but sticks and string excite me."

jen barnes said...

haven't had time to touch my needles this week so i'm still swatching . . . i need to make smaller gauge swatches if i'm ever going to get 4" in height knitted! your swatch looks good. *grins*