Monday, September 17, 2007


Well, since Ravelry came along, I haven't posted, because what's the point? All I want is already there. But here's a little update on my projects.

Montego Bay Scarf - picked this up again, about 40% done, and I love it now. I am looking forward to getting to wear it.

Log Cabin Blanket for Kari - this is all garter stitch so it is my current go-to project for kid-watching. No thought required.

Daisy Hats and Dishcloths for waiting to pick K up from preschool.

Bonsai Tunic for when I have focused knitting time. I've started the front and am only one pattern repeat in, but it's going faster this time because I don't really have to look at the chart anymore. I just have to make sure I put the decreases in the same places.


(but DANG is that Tilted Duster calling my name!)